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Plymouth-Canton Music Boosters (PCMB) exists for the purpose of promoting and supporting the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools band programs (curricular as well as extra-curricular), working in cooperation with district-wide staff to help provide an enriching experience for every student, in all grades, that participates in one or more of the band programs. The extra-curricular programs supported by PCMB are funded almost entirely through fundraising efforts and member participation fees, paid by parents.
You may be asking, “Just how important are the arts?” According to The College Entrance Examination Board, students in music appreciation scored 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on math than students with no arts appreciation. Further, businesses everywhere understand that arts education “helps students develop a positive work ethic and pride in a job well done” (www.americansforthearts.org). Now, that’s something that will translate into a healthier bottom line! Music education has been shown to provide these benefits regardless of socioeconomic status. Our students are among those you’ll want to hire some day!
We ask that you please consider making a donation, an investment in the students in our community. Your gift will assist with expenses such as uniforms, instruments and repairs, contest fees, and transportation for groups such as the School Band Program, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Winter Percussion, and Winter Guard.
In return for your investment, we are offering the opportunity to have your sponsorship publicized year-round through our sponsorship program, targeted at the numerous PCMB families, friends, alumni, and guests throughout the Plymouth-Canton communities – a PCMB community numbering into the thousands!
We hope you will add your sponsorship support to ours and join the other organizations and leaders in our community who recognize the value of sound investment in our children’s music education.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our CCOP Committee Chair ([email protected]).
Here are the benefits for each level of generous support of the hard-working student members:
Benefit | Intro Club $25-$99 | Prelude Club $100 | Rhythm Club$250 | Forte Club $500 | Bravo Club $1,000 | Ovation Club $1,500 | Finale Club $2,500 |
Sponsor window sticker | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Company name and/or logo listed in event programs | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Company name and/or logo listed on PCMB website and in monthly newsletter | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Advertisement in hosted contest event programs | | 1/4 Page | 1/2 Page | 1/2 Page | Full Page | Full Page | Full Page |
Complimentary tickets to the PCMB GLI Event | | | | 4 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Promotional announcement at hosted contest events | | | | | X | X | X |
Personalized framed "Thank You" picture of the marching band | | | | | X | X | X |
Logo on PCMB semi-trailer for one full year for donations rec'd by September 1st (contact PCMB for further details) | | | | | | 8"x14" | 18"x28" |
Programs sponsored by the Plymouth-Canton Music Boosters
The mission of the PCMB is to support the instrumental arts programs across the school district.
Five High School Curricular Ensembles
- Wind Ensemble
- Chamber Winds
- Symphony Band
- Concert Band Brass and Percussion
- Concert Band Woodwinds
- Four performances at the Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic, one with a Pulitzer Prize Winning Composer
- Over 50 years of Superior ratings at the Michigan School Band & Orchestra Festival
Private Lesson Program
- A fund that helps reimburse students for taking private lessons.
Marching Band