The Winter Percussion program takes the Percussion off the football field and into the gymnasium. Just like the Marching Band, the Battery consists of Snare Drums, Tenor Drums, Bass Drums, and Marching Cymbals. The Front Ensemble consists of Marimbas, Vibraphones, Bells, Auxiliary percussion, Drum Set, Timpani, and Synthesizers. Judges critique the show and give the Percussion a score and a ranking among other ensembles in their own class.
A typical performance starts with the crew (typically the percussion parents) rolling out a large printed vinyl tarp across the gym floor to serve as the stage for the show. Props are also utilized depending on the theme of the show.
This program runs from mid-November to April and is open to ALL P-CCS 9th-12th grade Percussionists enrolled in Band. The ensemble is a regular State Champion and competes in the Michigan Color Guard Circuit and Winter Guard International.
More Information:
Winter Guard International : www.wgi.org
Michigan Alliance for Performing Arts: www.performmapa.org
Please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Rodriguez with any and all questions!