Discovery Middle School

Discovery Middle School houses around 800 6th through 8th grade "Eagles". The school, which was opened in 2001, is located in Canton on the corner of Canton Center and Hanford. The Discovery Middle School band director is Joshua Hartge ([email protected]).
East Middle School

East Middle School address is on Mill Street in Plymouth, but that section of road is also known as Lilly. Whatever name you give the road, the Rockets of East Middle School can be found just north of Ann Arbor Road next to the district school bus lot. There are about 860 students attending East. The East Middle School band director is Matthew Kazmierski ([email protected]).
Liberty Middle School

Liberty Middle School, home of the 840 Lions' Pride, is brand new for the 2015-2016 school year to replace the old Central Middle School. Because the new school is in a different location, middle school students across the district were shuffled around. Many middle school students are attending different schools, not just the Central students. Patricia Sheppard ([email protected]), formally the band director from Central Middle School, is the band director at Liberty.
Pioneer Middle School

The student population at Pioneer Middle School is around 820, which includes grades six through eight. The school is located on Ann Arbor Road between Mc Clumpha and Beck Road. The band directors at Pioneer are Jessica Bouchard ([email protected]) and Rachael Palajac ([email protected]).
West Middle School

West Middle School is located on the corner of Ann Arbor Trail and Sheldon Road in Plymouth. There are around 770 "Bulldogs" receiving their 6th through 8th grade educations at this site. The band director at West is Martha Farmer ([email protected]).