Students participating in the Concert Band program will typically perform in 3-4 concerts per year. They will also participate in the District Band and Orchestra Festival held in March. Students wear formal dress to all concerts, unless otherwise instructed by the director.

Formal concert wear for girls consists of a solid black, full-length dress. Girls should wear nice black shoes. Only modest jewelry is allowed. This means no jewelry that is large or overly distracting.
When do I get it?
The dress is ordered through the school band program at the beginning of the school year. Once the dresses are ordered, it will take a few weeks for them to arrive at the school. Delivery will be before the first concert. You are responsible for hemming and any extra tailoring you choose. The name of a reputable seamstress will be provided should you require her services.
How much does it cost?
The cost varies by year. The current cost for a dress is $75. The same dress is used every year so this is a one-time cost.
Where do I keep it?
The dress is paid for by you and kept at home.
How does it get cleaned?
The dress is machine wash and dry at home.

Formal concert wear for boys consists of a tuxedo and black bow tie. Students provide their own white long sleeved dress shirt, black socks, and black dress shoes. Tuxedos are the property of the band program and rented out to students on a yearly basis. Black bow ties are provided to the students at a one-time fee of $5.
How much does it cost?
The current price for tuxedo rental is $40 for the school year. Purchase of a bow tie is an additional $5. A check for the tux rental and bow tie (if needed) must be made out to Plymouth High School. The checks are given to the band director.
When do I get it?
Boys are fit for tuxedos at the beginning of the school year. As soon as you pay the tuxedo rental fee, you will be allowed to take the tuxedo home. You are responsible for hemming the pants, if needed. The name of a reputable seamstress will be provided should you require her services to hem the pants for you.
Where do I keep it?
The tuxedo goes home with you and remains in your closet during the school year. The tuxedo must be returned immediately following the last band concert of the year.
How does it get cleaned?
The tuxedo is dry clean only. The dry cleaning fee has been included in your rental fee. Immediately following the final band concert, volunteers will collect all of the tuxedos and deliver them to the dry cleaner. After cleaning, tuxedos are stored in the band uniform closet until the next school year.
Uniform Questions?
Contact our Uniform Coordinator ([email protected]) for any questions about any of our uniforms.