There are many components to the Marching uniform, some of which are provided and others that need to be purchased. The information for what to wear to each event is typically provided in the weekly fan-out emails, in the itinerary, and is communicated by the directors to the students.
The casual uniform includes the member shirt, member pants (track pants), and all black long socks.
For competitions, the casual uniform also includes viper shoes and compression shorts.
For football games and events the member shirt is sometimes switched out for the "band night" shirt (black shirt with grey squares).
Uniforms do not go home with students. You will be issued a garment bag in which all of the parts of the uniform are kept. The garment bags are stored in the uniform closet until competition time. After the competition, students return uniforms to the uniform closet. Volunteer washer parents are assigned uniforms to take home to wash and return.
Shakos are kept in hard plastic cases marked by name, and are stored in the bottom of the same closet as the garment bags. Nothing but the shako should be kept in the case.
Canton Embroidery has a variety of required and optional items for sale. They offer items both for students and parents and other family members to show your band spirit!. Refer to the handbook for details on what needs to be purchased.
Students are responsible for their own member shirts, black socks, and black shoes. These must be brought to each competition. These do not go in your garment bag. Washer parents are not responsible for these items.
When you are wearing the Gray competition uniform you are expected to have the highest professional standards of behavior. Long hair must be pulled back and pinned up so that it does not show under shakos. No nail polish, jewelry, watches, or distracting make-up. If you have pierced earrings that can’t be taken out, they will need to be covered with a flesh-colored bandage. The only jewelry allowed is the band necklace.
You may find it helps to be organized by having a specifically designated band bag in your home in which you keep your marching shoes, socks, member shirt, and anything else you routinely take to a competition. Write your name in your member shirt and shoes.
Remember, it is ultimately your responsibility to have everything you need for every competition!